September 30, 2008

How to Apologize

If you feel guilt or shame, if you are the one who needs forgiveness, then apologize. But it's not as simple as saying or thinking "I'm sorry." Grab a pen and paper and write a full-blown apology, keeping the following in mind:

There is no excuse. Do not try to think of or offer one. An apology with an excuse is not an apology. Take full responsibility for what you did.

Make it a point to avoid using the word "but". ("I am sorry, but..." means "I am not sorry.")
Do not say "I'm sorry you feel that way" or "I'm sorry if you were offended" --it makes it seem like you are blaming the other person for feeling a certain way, and is not a real apology.

Think about what caused you to make the offense. Find the underlying problem, describe it to the person (as an explanation, not an excuse), and tell them what you intend to do to rectify that problem so that you can avoid this mistake in the future.


September 27, 2008

Search Current Time with Google

Doing international business requires managing multiple time zones. Several web sites exist that help with this. Google, however, makes getting the current time of any location as simple as possible.

Just searching for "time" in google will give you the exact current time at your current location.

Searching for "time" with a location gives the current time at that location.


September 24, 2008

Google Chrome: Use Third Mouse Button

The 3rd button on your mouse (better known as the wheel) provides some nice functionality on Google's Chrome browser. While they seem simplistic in nature, they can be real time savers.

To open a link in a new tab - place cursor on link and click the mouse wheel.

To open a bookmark in a new tab - place cursor on link and click the mouse wheel.

To close a link - place cursor anywhere on tab and click the mouse wheel (beats having to hit the close button).


September 20, 2008

Zenni Optical

Shopping for cool eyeglasses with cool frames can be so easy if you know where to find it. It is Zenni Optical, an online store of great eyeglasses for less . Why must Zenni? Zenni optical is the famous reputable eyeglasses store. Besides, Zenni Optical was on FOX news!

So take a look at their collection and you will be interested immediately. You can find Variable Dimension Frames from Zenni which is available for cheap prices. So take a look at what it was said in " Zenni on Fox " new.


September 17, 2008

Removing Spam (Gmail)

To remove spam from your inbox:

Select the unwanted messages.

Click Report Spam .

To remove spam forever:

Click Spam along the left side of any Gmail page.

Select the messages you'd like to delete and click Delete forever .

Or delete everything by clicking Delete all spam messages now .

The more spam you mark, the better our system will get at weeding out those annoying messages. If you or we should happen to goof and mark a good message as spam, click Not Spam at the top of the message. If you marked it as spam, you can also click Undo immediately after to recover the message.


September 13, 2008

Scanning Virus and Virus Cleaning

Virus scanning is the process of checking files to see if they contain known viruses. Virus cleaning is the process of removing the detected virus from the file so that the file can be used safely.

Using Norton AntiVirus, Yahoo! Mail scans and cleans all your attachments for free. However, this only protects you from viruses sent to your Yahoo! Mail account. For protection from other types of viruses, such as those you may inadvertently download when visiting non-Yahoo! web sites, we recommend installing anti- virus software on every computer you use.


September 10, 2008

Prevent Spam in Yahoo

Yahoo's committed to eliminating spam-eyuck! And you've got great tools to help keep spam out of your Inbox.

Yahoo! SpamGuard

Keep Yahoo! SpamGuard turned on. To check if it's on:

Click Options in the upper- right corner of your Mail page and select Mail Options.

Click Spam Protection from the list on the left.

In the "Spam Filter" section, do you see "SpamGuard is ON"? If not, turn it on by clicking the link: Turn SpamGuard ON.

Click Save Changes.

In this same section, you can also specify how often you'd like us to empty your Spam folder (we do it automatically once a month, but you have options to empty it faster), as well as indicating your preference for showing-or blocking-images. Image blocking is another way to fend off spam!

Image Blocking

Image blocking defeats the confirmation "hits" that spammers receive whenever one of their images is viewed. Since a "view" can include the moment you click to open a spam message, selecting "Initially block all images" is your safest choice. Here's how to do it:

Click Options in the upper- right corner of your Mail page and select Mail Options.

Under Spam, click Spam Protection.

At the bottom of the page is the "Image Blocking" section. You'll see three choices with three radio buttons. Select (click inside) the one that sounds right to you:

Always show images, except in Spam folder
Show images only from my contacts and certified senders
Initially block all images

The Spam button

If you get a spam message in your Inbox, check the box beside it, then click Spam. This alerts us to the latest tricks and techniques that spammers are using, and helps us clamp down tighter and fight spam more effectively.

If you change your mind or think you made a mistake, just look for the next message from that sender in your Spam folder and click Not Spam to reverse your vote.


September 05, 2008

Spam Guard (Yahoo)

What is it anyway?

A new, wider type of spatula to flip huge burgers with? (Ber-slap!) A no-stick bedliner for your pickup? Nah - SpamGuard funnels spam email away from your Inbox and into to your Spam folder.

Control SpamGuard

It's automatically activated in your account (see the check in the box?) and it generates a Spam folder when you receive your first spam message - which sometimes doesn't happen for months!
Empty Spam folder
How long do you want to keep messages in your Spam folder? You can choose from the "Empty Spam folder:" pull- down menu. Delete messages immediately, or keep them one week, two weeks, or a month. The default setting is a month. Remember, choosing "immediately" means you won't have an opportunity to review what's in your Spam folder before it's deleted.

Show incoming images?

Getting you to open images in emails is a spammer trick that confirms your email address to them. So we give you a way to block anonymous images from being displayed - at the level you prefer. We recommend "Initially block all images".

Not Spam

Every now and then - but rarely - SpamGuard edges over the line and places an email you actually wanted to receive into your Spam folder. If this happens, let us know. It gets smarter that way! Click Not Spam while viewing the message in your Spam folder.

And finally...

As you might guess, the Spam folder doesn't generate spam, nor will you receive any additional mail as a result of having a Spam folder.


September 02, 2008

Google Launched 'Google Chrome'

Chrome is the web browser just released by Google. So far, I've noticed a couple of operational tips.

Back and Forward buttons will allow multiple-page back and forward, just click and hold, then a pull-down will appear with pages you can directly access.

The Incognito feature, allowing 'stealth' browsing, is accessed from the "current page icon", on the right end of the address bar. Just pull down the box, and choose "New Incognito window".

Like Gmail marks, the star to the left of the address bar creates bookmarks. Click on this to Add or edit.

Tabs, located at the top of the window, can be moved by click-drag to sort, or will start a new Chrome window if dropped off the application.

That's all there is for now, I'm sure more to come! Try it out,


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