Spam Guard (Yahoo)
What is it anyway?
A new, wider type of spatula to flip huge burgers with? (Ber-slap!) A no-stick bedliner for your pickup? Nah - SpamGuard funnels spam email away from your Inbox and into to your Spam folder.
Control SpamGuard
It's automatically activated in your account (see the check in the box?) and it generates a Spam folder when you receive your first spam message - which sometimes doesn't happen for months!
Empty Spam folder
How long do you want to keep messages in your Spam folder? You can choose from the "Empty Spam folder:" pull- down menu. Delete messages immediately, or keep them one week, two weeks, or a month. The default setting is a month. Remember, choosing "immediately" means you won't have an opportunity to review what's in your Spam folder before it's deleted.
Show incoming images?
Getting you to open images in emails is a spammer trick that confirms your email address to them. So we give you a way to block anonymous images from being displayed - at the level you prefer. We recommend "Initially block all images".
Not Spam
Every now and then - but rarely - SpamGuard edges over the line and places an email you actually wanted to receive into your Spam folder. If this happens, let us know. It gets smarter that way! Click Not Spam while viewing the message in your Spam folder.
And finally...
As you might guess, the Spam folder doesn't generate spam, nor will you receive any additional mail as a result of having a Spam folder.